airplane loops picture


Armed Forces Aero Club


Montgomery Field Airport.

Telephone Number:

(858) 874-AFAC

Membership Requirements:

Must be active or retired military, Federal/State/County/City employee, or a dependent. Reserve and ROTC are also eligible.  Student pilots are also eligible regardless.  FAA Class 3 Medical, Initial, Annual, and Aircraft checkouts required for non-student pilots.  Instrument checkouts are also required for those wanting to fly IFR.  Instructors must be members.    

Membership Fees:

Initiation fee is $99. Dues are $50 per month.  Initiation fee refunded if 36 hours are flown in club aircraft within first year.  $25 credited against dues any month where 2 or more hours are flown in club aircraft.  No dues or initiation fee for active CFI's.

Cross Country Minimums:

1 Hour - Minimums are in effect only when an aircraft is scheduled for more than four hours and not for students in training cross country flights. 

Aircraft Data:


Aircraft Type

Rate per Hour

Special Info








 See Remarks 






C-172N 180 HP


1 C-172N $119?  



  Flight time and dues are billed on a monthly basis.  Structured rules and various penalties apply but are only applied to frequent abusers.   Prices are based on fuel at $5.80-5.99/gal.   Price will vary if fuel prices change.  Current fuel rate as of 09/18  is $5.98/gal.  Click here to see fuel ladder.



Contact the Author: Bruce J. Elig CFII/MEI/ATP